December Engagements
Sunday 3rd December Masonic Christmas Charity Concert, St Michael’s Church 6.30pm This concert will be a great start to the Festive season.
Tuesday 5th December Carols outside the Farmer’s Arms for the St Columb Minor Christmas event 6.30pm
Friday 8th December Fore Street Cafe carols at 6.30pm.
Sunday 10th December Salvation Army Carol Service at 10.30am
Each Saturday in December 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd members of the Band will be playing at different spots in town between 12 and 2pm. This is part of Newquay BID’s Christmas events in the town through December.
Friday 15th December Christmas Musical Extravaganza at St Michael’s Church at 7.00pm. This is our annual joint concert with Mount Charles Band and a guest appearance from our new beginner band 'Brass for All'
This is always a wonderful evening, with guaranteed snow! Why not come along? You won’t be disappointed.
On Sunday 17th December Town Carol Service St Michael’s Church at 6.00pm. This is a lovely traditional service for the community with readings, carols and musical items from the different choirs as well as the Band.